Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
Although anyone can be a victim of abuse or neglect, sadly, due to increased vulnerability, those with care or support needs are more at risk.
Our comprehensive course takes an in-depth look at safeguarding, exploring the different types of safeguarding issues that may occur in a care setting, and your responsibilities in ensuring that your clients live in a safe environment, free from abuse or neglect.
About the course
This course fully explores the wide-ranging topic of the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults. Covering the different types of abuse and neglect, as well as the legislation surrounding safeguarding and what to do in the case of a safeguarding concern, our training will give you confidence in handling safeguarding situations in your workplace.
Fully compliant with all related legislation, this online training resource addresses your legal obligations, induction, refresher, vocational and management training needs.
Who is this course for?
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, this course is the most comprehensive educational tool available, an invaluable asset for you and those you care for.
What does the course cover?
- Introduction to first aid awareness
- Definition of abuse
- Definition of neglect
- Who abuses?
- Safeguarding responsibilities
- Policies and procedures
- Risk assessment
- Safeguarding leads
- Safeguarding legislation
- Safeguarding Adult Boards
- The six safeguarding principles
- The fundamental standards
- Code of conduct
- Promoting wellbeing
- Dignity and respect
- Making safeguarding personal
- Person centred care
- Promoting independence
- Indicators of abuse
- Physical abuse
- Restrictive practices
- Domestic abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological abuse
- Financial abuse
- Modern slavery
- Human trafficking
- Forced labour
- Domestic servitude
- Sexual exploitation
- Debt peonage
- Promoting equality and diversity
- Discriminatory abuse
- Organisational abuse
- Neglect
- Self-neglect
- Radicalisation
- What to do if a client discloses abuse to you
- What to do if you suspect abuse or neglect
- Recording safeguarding concerns
- Safeguarding investigations
- Information sharing
- Whistleblowing
- Dealing with complaints
How is the course assessed?
After each module you will be asked a set of multiple-choice questions. The answers are marked automatically so you instantly know your score.
Every trainee receives a FREE training certificate on completion of the course as evidence for your records.
Contributes to Care Certificate Standard 10
All new health and social care workers should be inducted according to the Care Certificate framework. This replaces the Common Induction Standards and National Minimum Training Standards.
Social Care TV have a wide range of training that satisfies the requirements of the Care Certificate. Furthermore, our training covers, at the same time, important aspects of further vocational training.
Learn about the Care Certificate