Care Worker of the Month – January 2025
We are delighted to announce that our Care Worker of the Month award winner for January is Evka Romsakova – a home care worker from Lougher Home Care.
We are delighted to announce that our Care Worker of the Month award winner for September is Tim Keegan – a support worker at Alzheimer's Support in Warminster.
Tim was nominated by Club Manager, Louise Gover. We were incredibly moved by Louise’s nomination story below:
“Tim is a support worker at the day club, all of our members are living with Dementia. He is a genuine, caring, compassionate and empathic support worker.
Tim goes above and beyond each and every day to ensure our club members get the very best from their day with us. He spends so much time one to one with those who are struggling emotionally. Spending time chatting, reassuring and most of all listening. Tim is guaranteed to make our members smile and often has them in fits of laughter with his fun likable approach.
After spending some one to one time with a gentleman at the club who engaged very little and was rather withdrawn, Tim discovered that he used to enjoy some wood work and DIY and he had voiced to Tim that he felt useful when he was doing those tasks. In his own time Tim went out and purchased some items to bring to the club. The following day Tim and the gentleman sanded down all the coffee tables and re varnished them all, bringing life back to old furniture together.
Watching this was amazing because the gentleman was engaged, smiling, and most importantly seemed so happy. He said this made him feel useful again. They now regularly take on small jobs around the day club together.
New and prospective members are encouraged by seeing another man in a care role during their initial visit. It gives them confidence there will be another person they can relate to more when joining us. With the day club having an even mix of both male and female members, it’s an added bonus to have Tim bringing both support to the men during discussions, activities and the personal care side of his role. The women also enjoy having a man around to interact with.
Tim is a credit to the day club and is so passionate about good care and support.”
Many heartfelt congratulations Tim from all at SCTV and thank you so much from all of us for the incredible work you do.
#CWOTM – Thanking Care Workers Across the UK